... bedlem posted in MA

06/04/09 06:48 PM

bedlem Now the biggest of this year, beats out the 16-4 from just days before
bennyhaha So do they put up a good fight? Or is it like dragging an anchor?
bedlem They are really hard runners. It isn't like fighting a bass where it darts all over in short bursts. They like to tear line off the drag, then turn after 50 yards or more and make slow passes looking for cover/safety. At which point you can gain some line till they decide to run again. Once you get them close enough to see, or think about netting the fight gets ugly again when their survival instincts kick in. Most fish I have caught will give you at least a 5 to 10 minute forearm burning, run heavy fight...others have taken upwards of 20-30 minutes though these are rarer. Are they like reeling in a tire or anchor? No, they are strong fish that will not give an inch that isn't fought for. Will you occasionally get a lazy fish, yes..but that can be said of all species, the majority do not want to be caught and will try to get away at all costs.
bedlem Also wanted to note, the comment about "like a bass" is not meant in a mean way, I respect all fisherman..what I mean is Bass tend to dart, jump and run all around , but usually shorter runs will a lot of turning. Carp will typically not jump, they may swirl or tail but will dive more then surface and take long runs as opposed to short ones. When in sight of the net it is a bit more akin to bass as they dart in panic randomly..typically it is about wearing the endurance of the fish down till it tires enough to close the gap.

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